June 14, 2023 |

Photo – Corbett Medical Building now the Valley Village Daycare – Bigfoot99 file photo

In Saratoga, Valley Village Daycare is asking Saratoga to a waive water connection fee.

With the opening of the North Platte Valley Medical Center, the Corbett Medical Building was sold to Valley Village Childcare for $1. The building was gifted to the town by the Corbett Medical Group in 1994. Since that time, the town has deferred what is estimated to be about $500,000 in maintenance on the building. The structure needs extensive remodeling and upgrades to meet federal and state statutes governing childcare facilities. The chairwoman of the school’s board of directors, Ellie Dana, said her organization will secure the necessary funding to bring the building up to code. In exchange for paying for the renovations, the town agreed to the sale price on one-dollar. Among the necessary repairs, the building required an upgraded fire suppression system be installed in the attic.

During the June 6th town council meeting, Dana said the proposed fire protection system needed to be connected to the town’s water main. She also said the building lacked a fire alarm.

The town would need to dig up part of Constitution Avenue and run a pipe to the Valley Village property. Dana said her organization would pay the town back for the work with the stipulation that she not be charged the $7,500 tap fee.

Dana said she would pay for all necessary material and for the town to install the connection pipe.

Mayor Chuck Davis said he supported waiving the tap fee. Councilmen Mike Cooley and Jacob Fluty agreed. However, mayor Davis said he was concerned about going over the heads of the Water and Sewer Joint Powers Board. Dana said the town has the final say on the tap fee.

Mayor Davis asked for a motion to approve the tap fee waiver. Councilman Cooley motioned and councilwoman Kathy Beck seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

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