June 21, 2023 |

Photo – Carbon County Courthouse – Bigfoot99 file photo

In Rawlins, nagging physical problems are plaguing the newly remodeled Carbon County Courthouse.

At yesterday’s Board of Carbon County Commissioners Meeting, Building and Grounds Superintendent Mike Newbrough discussed an electrical problem at the courthouse. Newbrough said water damaged the electrical system and caused the entire building to lose power.

The buildings and grounds superintendent said the sprinkler line was accidentally cut during the remodel and not repaired.

Newbrough said the main breaker needed to be replaced. He said he received two bids for a new breaker, both of which were over $10,000. Newbrough said the circuit breaker is in a backup mode and could cause a courthouse blackout at any time.

Commissioner John Johnson said the board needed to discuss who was responsible for paying to replace the breaker. County Attorney Ashley Davis suggested the commissioners do so in an executive session.

Commissioners emerged from the closed door meeting and directed Mike Newbrough to proceed immediately to have the breaker repaired.

Later in the meeting, county IT Director Matt Webster told the board that newly installed magnetic security card readers are being damaged by the doors at the courthouse and Carbon Building. Webster said improperly measured clearances caused the loss of two card readers already.

Webster said he was waiting for an estimate on the cost to relocate the card readers. Without moving the readers, Webster said they would need to be continually changed out.

The Courthouse and Carbon Building renovation, which cost around $27 million and took more than five years in total to complete, modernized and improved the county’s main administrative buildings. However, the commissioners and county staff are dealing with unexpected problems caused by the extensive remodel.

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