June 22, 2023 |

Photo – Wyoming License Plate – Bigfoot99 file photo

Wyoming residents are reminded that changes to license plates for light trailers go into effect with a change in state law on July 1.

Light trailers are defined as trailers weighing less than 1,000 lbs. Beginning July 1, owners can purchase a permanent plate for their trailer.

Light trailers that are less than 6 years old would incur a $350 one-time permanent registration fee for the plate.

To register older trailers, owners will need to pay a $50 one-time administration fee, a one-time fee equal to 5-times the county registration fee that would be due at 6 years of service, and a one-time fee equal to 5-times the state registration fee.

The plate cannot be transferred if the trailer is sold. The buyer must remove purchase a new plate.

If an owner purchases plates for a trailer, sells it and purchases a new trailer within 60 days, the fees and plates would transfer to the new trailer.

Like most other license plates, these permanent plates will be issued by the counties at the clerk’s office.

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