August 30, 2023 |

Photo – Hand pumping fuel – Bigfoot99 file photo

Gas prices, which have been trending upward for a month, may go even higher ahead of Labor Day Weekend as Hurricane Idalia bears down on Florida.

Gas prices have been hovering around $3.82 nationally, according to AAA’s latest update.

CNN added more perspective this week, noting that gas prices are already sitting at the “second highest price for this time of year since at least 2004, according to Bespoke Investment Group.”

The price at the pump has been ticking upward for the last month under the dual-pressure of inflation and the refusal of the White House to open domestic production, a bedrock ideological position of the Biden Administration.

The gulf storm was expected to strengthen to a Category Three as it barreled toward the Big Bend region of Florida’s west coast. The storm made landfall early Wednesday morning. The Sunshine State’s west coast had both hurricane and tropical storm warnings in effect — the latter of which is in effect for portions of the east coast of Florida as well.

As of Tuesday, the average price of gasoline in Wyoming was running $3.89 a gallon, according to Gas The lowest price in the state was around $3.50 a gallon, mostly at filling stations in the Casper area.

The price of gasoline in Carbon County has been running closer to $3.999 a gallon all of this week.

So far this year, gas prices are up 63-cents a gallon and are expected to rise even more.

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