July 1 , 2024 |

Photo – Medicine Bow town council – Bigfoot99 file photo

The Medicine Bow town council finalized the sale of equipment to the Carbon County Sheriff’s Office.

In February of this year, the governing body of Medicine Bow voted to dismantle the town’s marshal’s department. Formed in 2019 using $1 million of impact assistance funds, the Medicine Bow Marshal’s Office was not designed to last forever. The idea was to have officers supplement the impact assistance money by issuing citations.

Despite the efforts of the marshals, the department was left with only $200,000 left in its account. The town council decided to close the department and use the remaining money for other projects.

With the marshal’s department now permanently closed, Medicine Bow no longer needs any of the law enforcement equipment. In May, Carbon County Sheriff Alex Bakken expressed interest in purchasing three rifles and three patrol vehicles from the town. Medicine Bow Mayor Justin George offered to sell the guns and cars to the sheriff for $100,000.

Sheriff Bakken countered Mayor George’s proposal by offering $85,000 in cash or $55,000 with a one-year memorandum of understanding for a sheriff’s deputy to patrol the town 30 hours a month. The Medicine Bow town council voted to accept the lower cash payment with the included MOU.

During the June 10th Medicine Town council meeting, Mayor George said both sides have agreed to the sale.

Mayor George said Town Attorney Cameron Smith read the memorandum of understanding, suggested some changes, and sent the agreement back to Carbon County Attorney Ashley Davis for review. The mayor said the sale will be finalized once Attorney Davis agrees to the changes.

Mayor George said Sheriff Bakken will provide the legally required permits to transfer ownership of the guns from the town to the sheriff’s department.

The remaining firearms will be consigned with Koyoty Sports in Saratoga. Mayor George said the town will also put two 1,000-gallon fuel tanks up for sale.

Town Clerk and Treasurer Karen Heath said the public works department will take anything of use out of the former marshal’s department. Clerk Heath asked Mayor George how he would like to dispose of what’s left.

Mayor George said he’ll wait until after the useful equipment has been removed from the marshal’s department before deciding what to do with the remaining items.

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