September 26, 2023 |

Photo – Medicine Bow Sign – Bigfoot99 file photo

The Medicine Bow town council voted to close the town hall on Fridays. Meanwhile, residents have been expressing their frustration with the unclear change to the hours of operation.

The agenda for the September 11th Medicine Bow town council meeting contained two items related to the hours of operation for the town hall. The council sought to close the town hall to the public on Fridays and to change to winter hours of 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. The usual Medicine Bow town hall hours are 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.

Members of the public were confused about the proposed business hour changes. Former town clerk Alice Clark asked the council why they needed to close the town hall on Fridays. Councilwoman Sharon Kahl said town hall staff are far behind on their necessary work and needs a day without public interaction. Councilwoman Kahl said the change will only be in effect until the town catches up with required bookkeeping.

Mayor Bradley Buum said the Friday closures will likely continue through the winter or until office staff can get the municipality’s bookkeeping back on track.

Aside from being closed to the public on Fridays, Clark pointed out that the council was also proposing having the town hall open for less time during the week. Clark said fewer business hours may make it more difficult for residents to pay their monthly bills. Councilwoman Kahl questioned why anyone would need to access the town hall outside of the proposed winter hours of 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Clark said many reasons exist for someone to need the town hall.

According to the official Medicine Bow website, residents may pay their bills either directly at the town hall or through the mail. The town also has a phone payment system with a 4% surcharge. Sources say residents may also deposit their payments into a drop box outside of the town hall.

Medicine Bow Maintenance Operator Frank Fisher asked the council if town hall employees will continue to be in the office from eight to five considering the town has such a backlog of unfinished work.

Councilwoman Kahl said town hall staff will still work 40 hours a week, despite offering fewer hours to the public. The conversation continued, with the councilwoman seemingly backtracking on the idea that town hall employees will be in the office for the entire eight-hour workday. Maintenance Operator Fisher said it appeared counterproductive to work fewer hours when the town has supposedly fallen behind on the necessary paperwork to run the municipality.

Mayor Buum attempted to clarify what the council was considering. If both agenda items are approved, the mayor said the town hall will be closed to the public on Fridays, and from Monday through Thursday, the town hall will be operating under winter hours.

Despite the switch to winter hours being on the September 11th agenda, Councilwoman Kahl said the council hasn’t made a final decision on the matter. Medicine Bow resident Karla Denzin said she opposed the transition to winter hours. Denzin said people have many reasons why they may need access to the town hall during the winter.

Medicine Bow Museum Director Sharon Biamon said she was led to believe by Councilwoman Kahl’s comments that town hall employees will only be in the office from nine to three. Biamon said the idea doesn’t seem logical. Councilwoman Kahl said shortened winter hours protects town hall staff from being exposed to the harsh Wyoming winter.

Councilman Trevor Strauch motioned to close the town hall to the public starting that Friday, September 15th. Councilman Justin George seconded, and the motion passed.

Councilman Strauch then motioned to table the change to winter hours at the town hall until the next town council meeting on October 9th. Councilwoman Kahl seconded, and the motion also passed.

Repeated calls to the Medicine Bow by the Bigfoot 99 reporter to the Medicine Bow town hall to confirm the hours of operation automatically went to a full voicemail box.

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