April 11, 2022 |

Megan Degenfelder, a former top policy maker at the Wyoming Department of Education, is taking her case to the people to be superintendent of Wyoming public schools. Degenfelder announced Friday that she’s running for the job.

Degenfelder served as the WDE’s chief policy maker under former Superintendent Jillian Balow. When Balow stepped down last year, Degenfelder sought the Wyoming Republican Party’s nomination. Her name did not make the short list that went to the governor.

Governor Mark Gordon picked Brian Schoeder of Cody. Degenfelder will face Schroeder in the Republican primary this summer.

Degenfelder is familiar with the issues facing the department, as well as the political process in Cheyenne. Here she is testifying before the Education Committee in 2018:

Pictured above: Photo courtesy Megan Degenfelder/Facebook.

During her announcement on Friday in her hometown of Casper, Degenfelder said she wants to strengthen the role of parents in the education of their children. Present at the campaign kickoff were Degenfelders’s honorary campaign chairs, Judy Catchpole and Tucker Fagan. Catchpole served two terms as state school superintendent from 1995 to 2003. Fagan, a 30-year Air Force veteran, was head of the nuclear section, where he prepared the so-called “football” for President Ronald Reagan and served as Wing Commander of the 20th Air Force. He served as Cynthia Lummis’ chief of staff for eight years.

One of Degenfelder’s priorities is improving literacy levels across the state.


Related: State School Superintendent Jillian Balow announces resignation

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