June 21, 2023 |

Photo – Saratoga Museum and Out-buildings – Bigfoot99 file photo

Immature vandals defaced Saratoga Museum’s outdoor pavilion earlier this month, but the offensive material was only discovered this week.

On Monday afternoon, vulgar drawings were discovered scrawled onto the floor of the pavilion at the grounds of the Saratoga Museum on Constitution Avenue. Museum Director Dana Davis said she called the police as soon as she was informed about the graffiti. Because the pavilion is close to a park, Davis said she was concerned about children seeing the profane words and images.

Pictures of male genitalia and swear words, most directed at local police, covered the center portion of the pavilion floor. Davis said the drawings, done in permanent marker, were difficult to remove.

Davis said the culprit behind the graffiti actually put a date on their vulgar handiwork, June 9. The museum director said her small staff did not notice the damage until this week.

Davis said she was surprised that anyone would vandalize the museum property. As a result, security will be beefed up in the future.

Davis implored anyone with information about the vandalism to contact the Saratoga Police Department. The museum director said she was mostly upset because the obscene drawings could be seen by local youth.

Davis said if the culprits are apprehended, she would like them to do some sort of community service. She said the entire floor of the pavilion would likely need to be repainted.

Saratoga Police Chief Mike Morris said his department will search for any cameras that may have caught the perpetrators in the act.

Please call the Saratoga Police Department at 326-8316 with any information about the vandalism.

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