July 1 , 2024 |

Photo – Saratoga’s bike track – by Matt Copeland Bigfoot99

Saratoga’s long neglected bicycle track is getting a much-needed makeover courtesy of a concerned citizen.

Saratoga resident Ben Owen and a small group of volunteers spent Friday morning refreshing the town’s bicycle track. Owen said he wants to make the track, south of the Saratoga Public Library, a better place to ride.

Owen presented his idea to the Saratoga town council during their June 4th meeting. He proposed having a team of volunteers perform all the work. The Saratoga town council approved of Owen’s idea, with Councilman Mike Cooley thanking Owen not asking the town to help.

Speaking to Bigfoot99 Friday morning, Owen said the track was built roughly 20 years ago by people who, perhaps, didn’t understand how a bike track should work. The time has come to give the kids of Saratoga a more fun place to ride their bikes, said Owen.

Owen said he doesn’t intend to alter the layout of the existing track very much. He’ll simply fix what’s there and create a few new jumps.

Owen said in the future, additional bicycle tracks can be constructed behind the library. However, Owen said he’s focused on improving the existing track at this time.

Owen said he expects the track improvements to be completed by the end of the day. He thanked Roger and Sondra Burau for allowing him to use their skid steer for the project.

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