October 6, 2021 |

In Saratoga, water has been restored to most residential and commercial users in town after last night’s extensive outage.

Around 7 p.m. Tuesday night, a main water line near Spring Street ruptured. The break affected water users around town and forced Town Council, which was meeting at the time, to take a recess while those attending moved their vehicles away from town hall.

Shortly before the recess, Public Works Director Jon Winter was called out of the meeting to deal with the emergency. Crews were on the scene within minutes. Winter told Bigfoot 99 Wednesday morning that water had been restored to most of town early this morning.

Pictured above: Crews respond to a water main break on Spring Street in front of Saratoga Town Hall Tuesday night. Photo by Jim O’Reilly/Bigfoot 99.

Winter said crews are still working to identify the exact location and source of the leak. When crews locate the leak and begin repairs, nearby residents may experience outages as water is turned off so crews can work. Winter expected the repairs to be completed and water fully restored by 5 p.m. today.

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