October 16, 2023 |

PHOTO – Image of a utility bill – Courtesy PCI Group

The town of Medicine Bow apparently double-charged at least one resident for utility payments. Residents are advised to check their previous months’ utility bills for a similar error.

During the October 9th Medicine Bow town council meeting, former town clerk Alice Clark said her August utility payment check was cashed twice. Clark said Councilwoman Sharon Kahl, who is acting as the town’s treasurer, was unwilling to refund the second charge.

Clark said Councilwoman Kahl demanded a receipt showing that she had paid her utility bill. The former town clerk said she doesn’t ask for a receipt when paying by check. Clark said she provided Deputy Town Clerk Charity McCullough with proof of the double-charge. Clark said the manager of Rawlins National Bank, in Hanna, told her why her check was cashed twice.

Clark said the manager of Rawlins National Bank offered to call the Medicine Bow town hall to clear up the discrepancy, but the entire town was experiencing phone issues. Clark said she provided Councilwoman Kahl and Deputy Clerk McCullough with her bank statements showing the extra charge. Clark said she has yet to hear from anyone about a refund. The former clerk encouraged residents of Medicine Bow to ensure the same thing wasn’t done to them.

Clark said the money should be easy to refund. The former town clerk said she brought the matter to the town council because nothing had been done.

Mayor Bradley Buum said he would speak to the manager of the Rawlins National Bank Hanna Branch, Rose Vaughn, to find out why Clark was charged twice. Clark said she already knew the cause. The former town clerk said a ledger of all payments should exist, but Deputy Clerk McCullough doesn’t know where the record book is.

Public Works Director Brian Lashley said he is also aware of the ledger. Lashley said former Mayor Lucy Schofield eliminated former Town Clerk Joshua Smith’s practice of recording every payment made to the town.

The council members promised Clark they will work to refund her utility bill overpayment. The council also said they will create a more accurate way to track utility payments. Clark advised residents to check their previous utility bills for double charges.

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