April 12, 2023 |

Photo – Corbett Medical Building – Bigfoot99 file photo

Valley Village Childcare is preparing to move into the Corbett Medical Building after the Platte Valley Clinic relocates into the North Platte Valley Medical Center. Valley Village Vice-Chairperson Ellie Dana asked the Saratoga town council to waive the town’s normal building permit fees due to extensive deferred maintenance costs.

The grand opening of the North Platte Valley Medical Center is set for the end of April. When the hospital opens, the Platte Valley Clinic will move from the Corbett Medical Building, on South River Street, into the new hospital building. At that time, Village Board of Directors will begin the overdue maintenance to Corbett Medical Building.

The Corbett Medical Building was gifted to the town in 1994, with the stipulation it would to be used to benefit the community. In recent years, the town chose not to address maintenance issues.

Dana said the building requires hundreds of thousands of dollars in repairs. To avoid paying to bring the building back up to code, Dana and the town came to an agreement; sell the building to Valley Village Childcare for $1.

Earlier this year, the Corbett Foundation and the Saratoga town council approved the sale. Ownership transferred in February.

At last Tuesday’s town council meeting, Dana asked the council to waive the usual building permit fees. She said her organization will perform the maintenance the town deferred, for decades.

The building permit fee is $948.10.

Dana said the Platte Valley Clinic will move out the last week of April. Construction can begin the following week. Dana said before Valley Village Childcare and Excel Preschool can move into the building, major renovations must occur.

The plan to move Valley Village Childcare and Excel Preschool into the Corbett Medical Building began last year. In September, Dana approached the town council and asked to lease the building, but negotiations stalled when it became clear massive renovations would be needed.

Despite setbacks, the town council remained supportive of Dana’s plan. She expressed her appreciation and said a benefactor has agreed to a large fund-raising match.

Mayor Chuck Davis said he supports Dana’s request. He said the town has waived the building permit fees for other projects that benefit the community.

Mayor Davis asked for a motion to approve waiving the $948 building permit fee for Valley Village Childcare. Councilwoman Kathy Beck made the motion and Councilman Jerry Fluty seconded. The motion carried.

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