September 6, 2023 |

Photo – Carbon County Detention Center in Rawlins – Bigfoot99 file photo

The Carbon County Sheriff’s Office is working on an agreement to house state prison inmates in the county jail.

The Wyoming Department of Corrections is reaching out to county law enforcement agencies to help alleviate staffing concerns within the state prison. Yesterday, Sheriff Alex Bakken told the Board of Carbon County Commissioners that the WDOC has asked him to lodge state prisoners in the Carbon County Jail. Sheriff Bakken said he needs to see a finalized contract before a deal is made.

Sheriff Bakken said the Wyoming State Penitentiary is operating with less than half of the required staff. The sheriff said the county can take advantage of the situation to ensure the contract is favorable for Carbon County. Sheriff Bakken said he won’t allow more than half of the county jail to be used by state inmates.

Sheriff Bakken said the Carbon County Jail has yet to return to the number of inmates seen pre-COVID. The Sheriff said the jail has plenty of room for state prisoners. Sheriff Bakken said when County Attorney Ashley Davis approves the Wyoming Department of Corrections contract, it will have a beneficial financial impact on the county.

Sheriff Bakken said the county won’t be financially responsible for the state inmates. Commissioner John Johnson said money shouldn’t be the only reason for the county to accept the Department of Corrections’ offer. Sheriff Bakken and Chairwoman Sue Jones agreed with Commissioner Johnson when he said helping the state agency is the morally correct decision.

Chairwoman Jones said Goshen County has a similar agreement with the Wyoming Department of Corrections. The commission chairwoman said the contract makes good financial sense for the county.

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