Sex offender gets more probation after parole violation
A female sex offender from Rawlins who violated her probation while living in Green River last year has received more probation, in both Sweetwater and Carbon Counties.
Candice Cortez appeared in Carbon County District Court Tuesday morning where she was sentenced to three years of supervised probation. Bigfoot 99’s Cali O’Hare has the story.

Gordon fights Washington State’s coal blockade
Governor Mark Gordan said yesterday that Wyoming and Montana will ask the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the state of Washington’s denial of a necessary permit to use an ocean port as a coal terminal.
Washington’s denial of the water permit prevents Wyoming coal from reaching Asian markets. Gordon said the “de facto blockade” is about the politics of coal not water quality He added that the action is an unconstitutional violation of interstate commerce.
Coal is the political target today, the governor said; tomorrow beef or other any product could be barred from reaching outside markets.
At stake is a large, untapped market for low sulfur coal from the Powder River Basin. Wyoming has a ready buyer, Utah-based Lighthouse Resources, which owns the Millennium Bulk Terminal in Washington.
Lighthouse has stated in legal papers that it has contracts to deliver coal shipments to Japan and South Korea. Lighthouse sued the state of Washington when a necessary water quality permit to transport coal by rail to the Millennium Terminal, which is located on the Columbia River, was denied.
Governor Gordon said yesterday that Washington used Provision 401 of the clean water act in a way not intended.
Lighthouse has lost several court cases in its attempt to open the facility to coal. Wyoming and Montana are doubling down, saying that the logic used to block coal could be used against any product from a land-locked state.
In Washington, Governor Jay Inslee’s office released a statement yesterday saying that the coal terminal project would disrupt wetlands and contaminate storm water.
The Supreme Court has the choice to hear the case or to let the lower court rulings stand

CCSD2 moving forward with land sale to Medicine Bow
Carbon County School District Two decided Monday evening to work on a sales agreement for the land the Town of Medicine Bow rents for a park.
The Board of Trustees will review the agreement at their February meeting. Emma Diercks has the story.
Coroner’s facility finally complete
The long-awaited upgrade to the county coroner’s facility is complete. Although the work has come in several months behind schedule, the results may make it one of the best such facilities in the state. Cali O’Hare has the story.
Sports: Panthers set to duel Cokeville, Farson
- Wyoming basketball gets swept by 4th ranked SDSU
- Cowgirls looking to bounce back at home tonight against SDSU
- Wyoming football hires one to sports performance department