March 13, 2023 |

Photo – Boy showing pig – Courtesy of Wyoming FFA Association

In a related story, attending official 4-H activities will now be considered an excused school absent.

Governor Gordon signed into law House Bill 75 during the recently adjourned legislative session. The bill that amends the definition of an excused school absence to include 4-H events.

Governor Mark Gordon signed HB 175, Enrolled Act 26, near the end of February. The bill amends state statute 21-3-110 Duties of Boards of Trustees when dealing with truancy and absenteeism. The change allows schools to regard “students participating in programming or competitions sponsored by nationally recognized organizations and clubs that promote youth agricultural education,” as an excused absence. Students will no longer be penalized for missing school for “events associated with participation in the annual state fair,” as well.

The law does not go into effect until July 1, 2023. After the enactment date, 4H and FFA activities will be considered as participating in a district cocurricular activity. School officials are still permitted to request verification of the event.

In a written statement provided to Bigfoot99, Haver said the change will benefit the education of the state’s youth. School assignments missed during agricultural events are still expected to be completed.

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