August 25, 2022 |

Th Carbon County Commissioners replaced Jim Piche as buildings and grounds manager prior to the county fair last month. Interim Manager Mike Newbrough updated the board during its regular meeting held this week in Baggs.

Pictured above: File photo of Carbon Building exterior. Photo by Cali O’Hare/Bigfoot 99.

The commissioners authorized a one-year lease agreement for the grounds tech at $600 per month with a $200 deposit.

Newbrough also brought up the issue of pine tree near the county-owned Carbon Building in Rawlins that will need to be removed.

Commissioner Sue Jones observed that many of the trees around the building are reaching their end of life. Newbrough said all of the needles are falling off the tree. Chairman John Nelson asked if the tree was receiving enough water.

Johnson said he should contact an arborist and have the tree removed if necessary. Commissioner John Espy wondered if the sudden demise of the tree had anything to do with the limited watering policy in the City of Rawlins this summer. Espy said new trees should not be planted until the municipal water situation improves.

Newbrough also discussed how he is working with the city to add striping at the county buildings in Rawlins, noting that Piche had previously established a cooperative agreement with Rawlins officials.

Commissioners have declined to answer questions about why Piche was replaced, saying it was personnel matter.

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