November 9, 2023 |

Photo – LED Scoreboard (not the selected product) – Courtesy Olympian LED

A divided Rawlins city council has chosen a project for the annual Wyoming Community Gas grant.

Every year, Wyoming Community Gas returns a portion of its profits to member municipalities. Towns are expected to use the money to better the lives of residents.

At the November 7th Rawlins city council meeting, the majority of the council voted to spend the entire Community Gas grant to purchase a scoreboard for the Sports Complex baseball field. Councilman Darril Garner was the sole dissenting vote.

During their October 3rd meeting, the council members debated on how to spend the $11,322.90 Wyoming Community Gas grant. Parks and Recreation Director Jason Sehon petitioned the council to use the money to finish upgrading the Little League baseball fields at the VFW. Sehon said a state-wide Little League tournament has been scheduled, but will only happen if the fields are ready to be played on by 2026.

At the October 17th city council meeting, Councilman Chris Weisenburg suggested using the money to purchase a new LED scoreboard for the Rawlins Sports Complex baseball and softball fields. Councilman Weisenburg said Wyoming Community Gas would rather see the money used on a lighted scoreboard at the Sports Complex than for dirt at the Little League fields. The council appeared to support Weisenburg’s idea. Mayor Terry Weickum instructed the council to be prepared to make a decision at the next meeting.

During Tuesday’s Rawlins city council meeting, Mayor Weickum asked for a motion to spend the Wyoming Community Gas grant. Councilwoman Jacquelin Wells motioned to use the entire $11,322.90 to finish upgrading the Little League ball fields at the VFW. Councilman Weisenburg said he still wanted to use the money for scoreboards.

Councilwoman Wells said she wanted to have the Little League fields finished in time for the proposed 2026 state-wide tournament. Vice Mayor Steve Sanger said the tournament is still two years away. Vice Mayor Sanger said he supports Councilman Weisenburg’s plan to use the Wyoming Community Gas grant on something more immediate: scoreboards at the Sports Complex.

Councilman Darril Garner said the city should be focused on saving water in any way possible. Councilman Garner said he thinks the Wyoming Community Gas grant should be used to automate the sprinkler system at the Rawlins Cemetery. The councilman said an upgraded sprinkler system will save both water and time.

Councilman Garner said if the city fails to address the water infrastructure problems, and a drought occurs, the fields will die. Garner said the council should spend the grant money on a water-related project.

Councilman Weisenburg said Wyoming Community Gas wants a certain level of publicity to be attached to the projects they fund. Weisenburg said he doesn’t believe the gas company would be pleased to have the grant money used on a water project.

Councilman Weisenburg suggested setting aside city funding for the cemetery sprinkler upgrades during the next budget session. Mayor Weickum said he did not think the Little League fields at the VFW, like the cemetery sprinklers, will satisfy Wyoming Community Gas. The mayor said he supports using the grant money for scoreboards at the Sports Complex.

Councilman Garner said he believes Wyoming Community Gas would be happy to fund upgrades to the cemetery sprinklers. The councilman said a bench dedicated to the company at the graveyard would be seen by many people.

Mayor Weickum called for a vote on Councilwoman Wells’ motion to use the Wyoming Community Gas grant on the VFW Little League baseball fields. The motion failed to pass. Mayor Weickum, Vice Mayor Sanger, and Councilmen Weisenburg and Garner voted against using the money at the VFW fields.

Mayor Weickum called for another motion. Councilman Weisenburg moved to spend the $11,322.90 to purchase a scoreboard for the Rawlins Sports Complex baseball and softball fields. The motion passed with every member except Councilman Garner voting yea.

The $11,322.90 Wyoming Community Gas grant will be used to purchase new scoreboards for the Rawlins Sports Complex. Councilman Weisenburg specified that the southwest baseball field would be the first to receive a new scoreboard.

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