June 22, 2023 |

Photo – Emery Penner – Courtesy Salmon, Idaho website

Saratoga has hired a new public works director.

Since the resignation of Jon Winter last October, Saratoga has been without a designated person in charge of the public works department. The council debated whether Saratoga is large enough to justify having a dedicated full-time public works director or not. Other towns in Carbon County handle the position differently. Council discussion in the past has considered various options, including combining the position with a zoning enforcement officer, another unfilled position within the town.

During Tuesday’s town council meeting, Mayor Chuck Davis said the town has hired a new public works director. Mayor Davis said Emery Penner has accepted the town’s offer of employment. The mayor said Penner will act as a combined director of public works and zoning enforcement officer.

Earlier this month, Mayor Davis said the town interviewed two people for the public works director job. The mayor said of the two applicants, one appeared to be more qualified for the position.

Mayor Davis said Penner’s salary would be $90,000 a year. Since Penner will oversee three separate departments, Mayor Davis said the public works director will be paid from each department’s budget.

When Mayor Davis announced the town’s decision to hire Penner at the June 6th meeting, he did not reveal the successful candidate’s name. At the time, Penner was the city administrator for the city of Salmon, Idaho. The mayor said Penner has a lot of valuable experience.

Emery Penner has accepted the employment offer and has moved himself, and his family, into town. Saratoga’s new public works director will start on August 1st.

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