August 5, 2021 |
The curtain will come up on the newly restored Sinclair Theater later this month. Five years in the making and $20 million to complete, the restoration project has turned back the page to what the theater looked like when it was first built nearly 100 years ago. Town officials are excited for the unveiling, and Cali O’Hare has the latest as preparations continue.
Pictured above: Interior of the Parco Sinclair Theatre. Between the main seating area and two new balconies, the restored theatre can accommodate up to 198 persons. Photo by Cali O’Hare/Bigfoot 99.
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The restored theatre is ADA accessible, and includes seating areas for wheelchair users. Photo by Cali O'Hare/Bigfoot 99.

he restoration project included a few new additions, like two balconies which oversee the main seating area.
Photo by Cali O'Hare/Bigfoot 99.

Pictured above: The exterior of the historic Parco Sinclair Theatre during the interior renovation in 2021. Photo by Cali O'Hare/Bigfoot 99.

The paint was removed from the hardwood floors throughout the theatre. The original overhead globe lights were preserved, and replicated to replace those that were broken. Photo by Cali O'Hare/Bigfoot 99.

The original ticket booth was also restored as part of the project. Photo by Cali O'Hare/Bigfoot 99.