May 22, 2024 |

Photo – Construction of wall in South Texas – Courtesy Texas Tribune

U.S. Senator John Barrasso, on Thursday, introduced legislation that would require unobligated COVID-19 funds be used to finish building the wall along our southern border.

Wyoming’s senior senator introduced the legislation as an amendment to the Border Security Act (S. 4361).

The Build the Wall Act of 2024 would establish the “Southern Border Wall Construction Fund” and require the Department of Homeland Security to use any unobligated Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLRF) to construct and maintain physical barriers along the southern border of the United States.

Senator Barrasso said in a statement, “Before President Biden came into office, we were well on our way to a secure and safe southern border. But on his first day in office, the president and Democrats rolled out the welcome mat for millions of illegal immigrants to come into our nation. We must hold Democrats accountable for their open border policies that have created the worst border crisis in our nation’s history.”

Senator Barrasso said if Democrats are serious about securing our border, “they should have no issues voting for a policy that actually works and is already paid for.”

Senate File 4361, the “Build the Wall Act,” says that the money in the fund “shall be used by the Secretary of Homeland Security to construct and maintain physical barriers along the southern international border of the United States.”

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