December 10, 2021 |

The storm that dumped up to a foot of snow and more across the lower elevations of Carbon County yesterday and last night will continue to produce lights amounts of snow through this afternoon, forecasters say. Winds will be picking through the day. The combination of snow and strong winds will continue to cause travel impacts.
Last night’s storm produced a number of traffic calls for emergency responders.


Those dispatch calls were broadcast around 5:30-5:45 Thursday evening night. Stalled vehicles blocking traffic lanes, slide-offs, jackknifes and crashes with and without injuries kept emergency responders busy on highways and city streets. By 6:30 p.m. Thursday evening WYDOT closed Interstate 80 in both directions between Rawlins and Laramie.

Interstate 80 remains is closed this morning in both directions from Rawlins to Laramie. A rolling closure was enacted overnight for the westbound lanes of the interstate from Cheyenne to Laramie.

At 7:30 Friday morning, WYDOT pushed back the estimated opening time to Friday evening with a delay as long 11 to 13 hours.

On roads that are open, travel conditions are icy and slick on snow-packed roads with strong cross-winds causing areas of limited visibility.

For the latest road conditions and closure updates, visit

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